Shipping & Delivery Policy

Order Status

  1. Once payment is done, you will receive an email confirmation.
  2. Once the payment verified, our warehouse will arrange delivery within 2 ~ 3 working days.
  3. You may check your order status through your account.


Delivery/Shipping Status

  1. An email tracking will send to you once an item has been shipped.
  2. For items below 1 kg, we will arrange delivery by courier either Gdex or Ninja Van.
  3. For items above 1 kg, we will use own lorry (only applicable for Klang Valley) or third party local transport/customer’s appointed transport for other areas.
  4. For customer who has chosen ‘Self-pick up / Self-collection’, please contact us before pick up to avoid office closed (Lunch time 1 pm – 2 pm).


Delivery/Shipping Rate

West Malaysia

  • Free-of-Charge


East Malaysia & International

  • Buyer needs to contact us at or call us at 03-8060 9008 for more information before place order.
  • For worldwide shipping/ delivery charges will be calculated based on the respective destination, product dimension and weight. All destination clearance charges will be borne by the customer.
  • Delivery lead time is approximately 7 ~ 10 working days depends on destination. Some country may take up to 14 days or more for the order(s) to arrive.
  • It is advisable to check with your local customs on import regulations before placing your order(s).


*SR Hoist will not take responsible for stock delivery / lost by local courier service or transport.
